Things to Keep

8 Things to Keep Save April 15, 2021Nacho Eguiarte We always talk about what we should clean up. How about we approach an opposite angle? So let's talk about 8 things to keep. Analyzing 8 things to keep is something that rounded my head for several days. A couple of weeks ago I was invited to share eight things about myself. Hence, like number 8 was embedded in my head. It was also there that I thought that as a rule, when we talk about organizing spaces, we invited people to purge excesses. And if we now apply it from a different and almost antagonistic perspective, what if we now define what if we want to keep? It's not really that novel. In fact, it is a technique used in chronic disorganization conditions to avoid unnecessary anxieties. It gives better results to focus on the joy of leaving, than on the little joy that occasionally causes letting go. 8 cosas a conservar Image by congerdesign from Pixabay The garment Which makes you feel fabulous. The one with which you radiate your inner beauty, decorated by your grace style. A garment that makes us shine will always be something to keep because we don't always have"the garment". The book That transports you to other worlds or dimensions. There's always one you know you enjoy to the fullest. The one that makes you dilute in the hours like sugar in a hot water. The ornament And decorations that make your home look and that you enjoy as they complement your space. Yes, you know what I'm talking about, those who have character and tie with your vibration. The cup That favorite piece of ceramic, glass or metal that's representative of times when your hot drink accompanied your thoughts and maybe your emotional ailments The accessory That completes as cherry on a cake all your outfits. What is it? A necklace or a scarf? The hair pin or your watch? Whatever it is, it's important to have it almost as if it were a talisman. The suitcase The backpack or suitcase you fill with clothes on your adventures. It's not just an instrument for transporting things. It is a vehicle of dreams, longings and discoveries. The blanket It gives warmth to winter and protection against night fears. The one with the ridiculous or raucously colored print. The one that never leaves you. Serenity the most important of the 8 things to keep What you achieve when your home, your space, your environment, make you feel safe, confident, cheerful and largely brought by order and organization. Another 8 things to keep Those will be your turn to define them and if you share them with me I will be more than delighted. And by making paraphrases of that Mastercard commercial, for everything else there's a donation box. source. Nacho Organiza


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